UKCO Abstract Submission Form

Full guidance on UKCO Abstract Submissions

Please ensure you read the guidance before submitting your abstract.

Deadline for submissions: 31st May 2024, 23:59 hours.


Corresponding Author
Are you an Early Career Researcher?
*We define ECRs as researchers who have not yet held a full-time permanent academic post in a UK university or comparable UK institution, who have not held substantial grant income as a Principal Investigator and have not already established their own research group (this includes PhD candidates, postdoctoral researchers, and those transitioning to independent researchers).
Will the corresponding author be presenting the abstract at UKCO?
Presenter Details
Is the presenter an Early Career Researcher?
*We define ECRs as researchers who have not yet held a full-time permanent academic post in a UK university or comparable UK institution, who have not held substantial grant income as a Principal Investigator and have not already established their own research group (this includes PhD candidates, postdoctoral researchers, and those transitioning to independent researchers).
Abstract Details

The abstract title should be single sentence using sentence case and has maximum 200 characters.

List all author names as they will appear in the publication in the format: Given name Family Name (with appropriate initial caps).
Each author name followed by an arabic numeral corresponding to the institution they belong when the work was conducted.
Re-order Author Name Numeral corresponding to the institution Weight Operations
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At least one affiliation for each of the listed authors should be included. 
This is typically the primary employer or institution names (in English, not abbreviated), and location (city, state or province, country) 
e.g. University of Obesity, London, UK 
Department names, school, lab, division, institute etc should be omitted from affiliations to prevent duplication. 
Affiliations should be numbered sequentially in the order mentioned in the author list and not duplicated. Each affiliation must be assigned to an author.
Re-order Numeral corresponding to the author(s) Institution Name Weight Operations
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Maximum 350 words. Tables, figures and footnotes are not allowed and any acknowledgements should be given within the paragraph. Please note that word counts will be checked and abstracts that do not adhere to these guidelines will be automatically rejected. 
It is the intent of UKCO to provide high quality sessions focused on educational content that is free from commercial influence or bias. Please declare any potential conflicts of interest for all abstract authors during the submission process. These will be not be published but will be used in the review process. If none, please state.
If none, please state.
Is this abstract linked with award application?
Is this submission linked to a member-led symposium submission?
If the symposia is not selected I would like my abstract to be considered for oral/poster presentation at UKCO
Encore Submissions / Declaration of originality
Encore abstracts are those which have been presented at a conference previously, and/or published as an abstract/s in the publications of abstracts from other conferences or meetings.
If your abstract is an encore abstract you MUST declare it. Failure to declare an abstract previously presented at a conference where abstracts are published in a journal supplement is plagiarism. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable at UKCO and will result in rejection of your abstract and sanction.
I/we declare that this abstract is an encore and has been submitted, presented or published elsewhere

If you declare your abstract to be an encore abstract you will be asked to list all other conferences/meeting that the abstract has been printed or presented as well as the dates.

Whilst we will accept submission of encore abstracts to UKCO, because of copyright issues if you declare your abstract an encore abstracts as defined above, you will be automatically opted out of being published in the supplement in the International Journal of Obesity. 

Presentation and Publication Opportunities

UKCO has an number of opportunities to present your work.

Please indicate the options which you would like your abstract to be considered.

Please note, each abstract will only be allocated one presentation category but you are welcome to select any for which you would like to be considered.

Oral Presentation within the main UKCO programme

Sessions will be categorised by area of work to help faciliate useful discussion.

Poster Presentation during breaks
A guided walk of posters will be faciliated throughout the UKCO breaks.
3-minute thesis competition (for ECRs only*)

UKCO 3MT Guidelines and instructions

For the purpose of the 3MT competition, an ECR is defined as follows: 

You must be a current PhD/DPhil student or have had your viva voce within the past 12 months to be eligible to apply for the ASO 3MT.

Accepted abstracts will be published in the UKCO abstract supplement in the International Journal of Obesity
All abstract submissions must adhere to our abstract guidelines or may be rejected

The UK Congress on Obesity has been instigated and organised by ASO. Sponsors have contributed funding towards this event in return for exhibition space. They have had no input into the agenda or the selection of speakers with the exception of any sponsored symposia which are clearly indicated. View a full list of sponsors.