
- Enzo Battista-Dowds
The Wales ASO Network and the Welsh Obesity Society (WOS) have a shared vision of bringing together practitioners and academics across the country to share and discuss obesity research and practice.
Past Meetings
Child and Adolescent Obesity in Wales - 26 June 2019, Cardiff Metropolitan University
1. To outline the frequency, causes & consequences of obesity in children and young people.
2. To establish an understanding of effective interventions for obesity in children and young people and facilitate the sharing of good practice and opportunities for networking.
15.30 Registration and refreshments
16.00 Welcome and introduction - Professor Nadim Haboubi, Chair Welsh Obesity Society, Dr Simon Williams, Chair UK ASO
16.10 Childhood Obesity in Wales: The Scale of the Problem - Lucy O’Loughlin, Public Health Wales
16.30 The Genetics of Severe Childhood Obesity - Dr Agatha van der Klaauw, University of Cambridge
16.50 The Impact of Cultural, Social and Psychological Factors on Childhood Obesity - Dr Hazel Baker and Dr Naomi Swift, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
17.10 How does feeding in the first year of life affect weight and eating behaviour? Lessons for obesity prevention - Sara Jones, Swansea University
17.30 Break
18.00 Effective Intervention from Early Life: Learning from HENRY - Kim Roberts, CEO HENRY
18.20 Children’s Healthy Weight: from Bigger Picture to Smaller Screen - Professor Gareth Stratton, Swansea University
18.40 Physical Literacy - The Role of Motor Competence in Supporting a Positive Health Trajectory - Dr Nalda Wainwright, University of Wales Trinity St David
19.00 The Evidence Base for Use of Very Low Calorie Diets in Paediatrics - Olivia Colleypreist, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
19.20 Managing Severe Obesity in Children & Adolescents - The Aneurin Bevan UHB Service, Dr Rebekah Pryce, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
19.40 Panel Discussion
20.00 Networking and refreshments
An evening of CPD and Networking, February 2018, University of South Wales
6.50pm – Welcome and introduction
7.00pm – When the Rubber Hits the Road: Navigating Weight Control. Complexities in a Fattening World. Dr Ruth Deborah Edwards
7.30pm - Weight stigma in the UK: Implications for Policy and Practice . Dr Stuart Flint
8.00pm – Time Restricted Eating for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Obesity: The TREating Liver Feasibility Study. Dr Enzo di Battista
8.30pm – Lifestyle Medicine: A New Weapon in the Fight Against Obesity? Dr Sue Kenneally
8.55pm – Closing remarks
Joint Meeting of the Welsh Obesity Society and the ASO Wales Network, October 2016, Abergavenny
09.30 Registration
10.00 Welcome and Introduction, Simon Williams
10.10 Obesity and Cancer, Samir Rahmani
10.40 The Effects of Physical Exercise in Post-Bariatric Surgery Patients, Richard Bracken
11.10-11.30 Coffee Break
11.30 The Role of Trauma Therapy in Adult Weight Management, Lynda Durrell
12.00 Motivational Interviewing in Weight Management, Orla Adams
12.30-13.30 Lunch Break
13.30 NAFLD / NASH – Overview and Guidelines, Andrew Yeoman
14.00 EASO: A European approach to tackling obesity, Euan Woodward
14.30 The Launch of the Welsh Obesity Society and Business Meeting