About us
Founded in 1967, the ASO has become the UK’s foremost charitable organisation dedicated to the understanding, prevention and treatment of obesity.
Our mission is to develop an understanding of obesity through the pursuit of excellence in research and education, the facilitation of contact between individuals and organisations, and the promotion of action to prevent and treat obesity.
The ASO is affiliated to the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) and the World Obesity Federation (WOF) and organised the inaugural International Congress on Obesity, held in London in 1974. ASO was the founding body of the highly respected International Journal of Obesity.
The ASO is also a member of the Obesity Health Alliance (OHA), a coalition of over 30 charities, medical royal colleges and campaign groups who have joined together to fight obesity.
ASO position on weight bias and stigma
The ASO does not believe there is a place for weight bias and is committed to reducing negative attitudes towards people with overweight or obesity in all settings. Please read the full ASO position paper on weight bias and stigma.
Our objectives
- The promotion of professional awareness of obesity and its impact on health
- Educate and disseminate recent research on the causes, consequences, treatment, and prevention of obesity
- Prioritise obesity and provide opinion leadership in the UK
- Enhance understanding of the prevention and treatment of obesity throughout the UK
- Improve the quality of obesity education throughout the UK
- Forge links between individuals and organisations concerned with the study of obesity throughout the UK
- Support the role of patient and public involvement in obesity research
- Connect active researchers and practitioners from diverse disciplines who contribute to the development of a UK perspective on obesity.
- Provide appropriate input on the UK perspective at a European and international level through EASO and the World Obesity Federation.
Membership is open to obesity researchers, healthcare professionals, clinicians, academics, scientists, and students who are working and/or studying in the field of obesity and to others who have a particular interest in this area.
Student membership with ASO is only £30 annually and there are so many benefits. There has never been a better time to join!
ASO Networks
In addition to UKCO, we have ASO network meetings across the UK in order to meet the ASO mission and objectives.
Meetings are hare organised locally with support from the ASO Networks Lead.