A team of researchers led by Professor Maria Bryant are running a workshop to explore people’s opinions on the factors that impact on excess weight gain for children aged 0-5 years, with a focus on inequalities. This research will support a wider programme of work that seeks to find out what role obesity prevention programmes have in disrupting the wider obesity system within local authorities. This will produce outputs that will be shared with local authorities who are interested in systems approaches.
There are some opportunities for stakeholders to attend and the team are specifically looking to invite children centre staff, commissioners, public health consultants, parents and anyone who works with families (e.g Health Visitors). The event is in Leeds on Thursday 23rd March. It will be an interactive session with a number of different activities. If you would be interested in finding out more about the event, please contact Alexis Foster (Researcher at the University of Sheffield- alexis.foster@sheffield.ac.uk).