Consultation on SACN draft report 'Feeding young children aged 1 to 5 years'.

The Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) is inviting comments on the scientific content of the draft report ‘Feeding young children aged 1 to 5 years’ and its supporting documents.

Interested parties are invited to draw the committee’s attention to any evidence that it may have missed. Ensure that any evidence you bring to SACN’s attention meets the inclusion and exclusion criteria.

For full details of the review’s inclusion and exclusion criteria, see chapter 2 of the draft report.

You should use the ‘consultation response form’ to submit your comments to SACN.

Send your responses to by 5pm on Friday 16 September 2022.

All submitted consultation comments and SACN’s response will be published at the same time as the final report.

Clinical Category
Food, Nutrition and Diet