Causes of obesity: theories, conjectures and evidence

On 17 – 19 October 2022, Professor David B Allison, Dr Kevin D Hall, Professor John R Speakman FMedSci FRS and Professor Thorkild IA Sørensen will lead a scientific meeting on the topic of causes of obesity.

Obesity has been described by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as the largest health threat facing mankind. Obesity is manifestly an issue of energy balance. Yet, there is surprisingly little consensus about why such energy imbalance develops.

This meeting will include presentations by world experts on the plethora of ideas about the mechanisms underlying obesity, and hence, how we may tackle it.

This event is free to attend and is intended for researchers in relevant fields. Held 09:00 - 17:00, both in person and online attendance will be available. Advance registration is essential.

More information about the speakers, programme and how to register for this meeting can be found on the Royal Society website.

Target Audience