30th Annual Congress of ECOG - call for abstracts

The upcoming 30th Annual Congress of ECOG will take place on 10-13th November 2021 in Budapest, Hungary.  

ECOG congress offers attendees a unique opportunity to listen and meet distinguished speakers coming from various countries throughout Europe and Canada. Through a series of lectures, workshops and oral presentations, the congress will cover all major fields of childhood obesity and will bring together health professionals, researchers and students.

ECOG are optimistically hopeful, despite the pandemic situation regarding 2020-2021 that delegates will be able to enjoy various lectures presented by a host of international experts, live and in person.

The Organising Committee encourages registered participants to contribute to the scientific excellence of the Congress by sharing research results by oral presentations and posters. The deadline for abstract submissions is 20th June 2021.

Submit an abstract

Clinical Category
Childhood Obesity
Target Audience
Healthcare professionals