EASO Early Career Network Winter School
Napoli, Italy
The EASO Early Career Network Winter School is a residential educational course that will focus on ‘Hot Topics in Obesity’ with sessions addressing key issues in research, treatment and public health. Teaching will be interactive and delivered by European experts, and include lectures, practical training and poster sessions. Upon completion of the course, participants will have received a thorough grounding in obesity and have learnt new skills to develop their research or clinical practice.
EASO is offering 30 places for this prestigious course and it is important that you provide as much information as possible in your submission. There is no registration fee and EASO will provide hotel accommodation and all meals for successful applicants. The deadline for receipt of applications is 29th December 2021. All applicants will be contacted by email no later than 11 January 2022 and informed whether their application has been successful or not.
Full eligibility criteria are available on the EASO website, but ASO members should note that individuals who are members of an EASO affiliated national obesity association will be prioritised.