Dr Laura Gray
Research fellow, University of Sheffield
Laura is currently undertaking an MRC fellowship investigating obesity across the lifespan. Her research interests include estimating obesity trajectories at different life stages, as well as investigating trends in obesity, and what is driving these trends. Laura recently won the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF) New Investigator Award in Public Health to further her research into obesity trends using measures of central obesity, such as waist-to-height ratio.
Professor Susan Jebb
Professor of Diet and Population Health, University of Oxford
Susan trained as a dietitian before embarking on a research career in Cambridge, initially at the MRC Dunn Nutrition Unit, later Human Nutrition Research, before moving to Oxford in 2013. Her research has evolved from the study of energy metabolism and appetite control, through to applied behavioural research focused on the prevention and treatment of obesity. She places a strong emphasis on the translation of science into public health policy and clinical practice and has been a member of many policy working groups on food and obesity policy, including as Chair of the cross-government Expert Advisory Group on Obesity from 2007-2015. She is presently Chair of the UK Food Standards Agency.
Dr Sarah Payne Riches
Consultant in Global Public Health
Sarah is a UK trained Public Health Consultant, specialising in health improvement, particularly non-communicable diseases and their prevention. I gained an interest in research during my Masters in Public Health at Imperial College London and I undertook several research placements during my public health speciality training before undertaking a BHF Doctoral Fellowship, with the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford. I have a keen interest in undertaking research in public health practice and combining ‘operational’ public health and research in my public health practice. In my current roles in global health with UKHSA, I lead the health improvement work across the UK Overseas Territories health programme and provide technical support to Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention on systems strengthening for NCD prevention and management.
Nadya Isack
Trustee of Obesity Empowerment Network
Person living with Obesity
Nadya Isack is a trustee of The Obesity Empowerment Network and is a person living with Obesity.She has excellent oratorical skills and is proficient in conveying messages through diverse communication channels to stimulate discourse and instigate change. Balancing patient advocacy with her full time employment in Financial Services has not deterred her from participating in various NIHR grants, ICB led initiatives, Parliamentary discussions and co-production with multiple academic institutions. She is especially passionate about ensuring funding is ringfenced for Obesity services , from Tier1 to Tier 4 , with added emphasis on Bariatric surgery and access to GLP1 medications.
Polly Kerr
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Manager, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford
Polly has over 7 years’ experience of working in PPI. As well as supporting and advising researchers and public contributors in PPI activities, she leads a group of PPI staff from across the Medical Sciences Division and local NHS trusts, ensuring consistency and best practice in PPI activities, and also providing peer support and learning. Polly has led national work funded by NIHR to develop a career pathway for PPI staff, with accompanying training. She has a background in health communication and teaching, and believes that research and science should be accessible and available to everyone.
Dr Penny Morris
Global SRA Director for Human Health & Nutrition, Mars Incorporated
After completing a degree at the University of Aberdeen, Penny went on to complete a PhD investigating the acute impact of exercise on metabolic syndrome biomarkers in patients with obesity. She worked as a post-doctoral research scientist before deciding to try a role in industry taking a 1-year contract with Mars Chocolate. Twenty years later she is still there, having worked in the Snacking and Petcare segments in science and technology, scientific and regulatory affairs, quality, and science communications. Her current role, as the director for human health & nutrition involves understanding the emerging science in the areas of human health and nutrition and advising the business accordingly.