ASO is a charity and a company limited by guarantee, its governing document being the Memorandum and Articles of Association dated March 2004. The ASO is governed by an elected and unpaid board of trustees, which reports to the ASO membership annually at the Annual General Meeting. Only full members of the ASO have voting rights. The ASO has a part-time Secretariat for day to day tasks.
Registered Charity No: 1100648
Company No: 4796449
Registered office: 4 Bank Court, Weldon Road, Loughborough, LE11 5RF
Operational office: 8 Waldegrave Road, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 8HT
Governing documents
The ASO has a number of trustees, elected from the membership, and which run for a term of three years. The trustees are led by a Chair, who is supported by the board of trustees with designated roles.
Trustees can stand for two terms, except in the situation where a Trustee takes up the role of Chair or Treasurer in which case up to three terms are permitted.
Trustees sit on the ASO Committee, which forms the main decision making body of the ASO. The Trustees may be supported on the Committee by other co-opted roles as required by ASO activities. These additional co-opted roles are not ASO Trustees.
Byelaws (2020)
146.81 KB
Endorsement, Representation and Publication Policies
141.47 KB
Code of Conduct Policy
148.51 KB
Conflict of Interest Policy
170.51 KB
Equality and Diversity Policy
169.54 KB
Memorandum and Articles of Association
196.87 KB
Annual Report 2022 - 2023
1.07 MB
Chairs Report 2023
134.15 KB
AGM 2023 Minutes
171.96 KB
Membership is open to obesity researchers, healthcare professionals, clinicians, academics, scientists, and students who are working and/or studying in the field of obesity and to others who have a particular interest in this area.
Student membership with ASO is only £30 annually and there are so many benefits. There has never been a better time to join!
ASO Networks
In addition to UKCO, we have ASO network meetings across the UK in order to meet the ASO mission and objectives.
Meetings are hare organised locally with support from the ASO Networks Lead.